Friday, November 6, 2009

I think I might be NUTS!

Picture 9

Well, through my circle of homeschooling friends I've finally heard of NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). As an aspiring writer, one might have thought I'd have heard of this sooner. No, not I. I've been blissfully unaware of anything that could actually challenge me to get out there and write. However, once I did find about about this annual challenge to write a 50 000 word novel in one month, I couldn't get it out of my head (I almost wrote bed, and no, I couldn't get it out of my bed either). I crawled under the covers on Wednesday night expecting to fall into a deep sleep (it has been a long couple days with a sickie daughter) but instead I started writing a novel and finally at 4:30, I got up and made my way to the computer to sign up for the challenge. I do think that I have completely lost it. How is a homeschooling Mom of two (who barely has time to keep up with her blog) ever going to find the time to write a book? My only answer, I have NO IDEA!!

The book was forming in my head so easily as I lay there in bed on Wednesday, but in typical Katrina style as soon, as soon as I sat at the computer the words just flew out of my head and out the door, instead of onto the screen. I need to write 2000 words a day to reach my goal and when I look at it that way it seems totally possible, however, when I think about the whole project I have no idea how it will ever get done. Maybe I have a good idea for a short story, maybe even a tad longer, but 50 000 words. I'm such a perfectionist that I'll write a sentence 5 different ways before I choose the one I like. The goal of NaNoWriMo though is to write, not to write perfectly; to get the ideas out there and let the story form (LEAVE EDITING TIL DECEMBER!!!). I'm up for the challenge!!! I've written novellas (yes, we shall call this a novella) before so really, it is possible.

I've written 1273 words so far. Only 48727 left to go!!!

Find out more about National Novel Writing Month here.

(BTW, this blog post is 383 words *lol*)

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