Tuesday, June 24, 2008


We've decided that we are going to stick with homeschooling. This year it is likely that we will not be settled in our new home before the school year begins so it would not make sense to start Liam in Kindergarten for just a few weeks/months and then uproot him to move. In any case, we feel comfortable with out decision.

Most of my family knows and have been supportive, albeit very curious about how it works. We have yet to tell Mike's family and EVERY time we are there they talk about Liam started Kindergarten in just a couple months. They also tell me that he will be too smart for school. No problem, we homeschooling, if he knows the material then we will go on to something else.

There's also the issue of "socialization" and I was discussing it with someone just a couple days and pointed out MANY ways in which my children will benefit from socialisation with other kids and ADULTS! I'm not too concerned. My kids seem to have taken after their father with their people skills.

You can expect to see a fair amount more of our learning adventures in this blog in the coming months as we actually begin to settle into a learning "routine". There will still be plenty of other things (I hope to get back to recepies soon) for those less interested in homeschooling but the focus "might" shift a little.

Let the learning adventure begin (or rather continue!)

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