Product: Word Problem Fun, Whole Number Fun, Math Galaxy Riddles-Whole Numbers (worksheet generator)
Company: Math Galaxy
Price: Worksheet generator 29.95$US, software games 29.95$US, riddle e-book 14.95$US
As part of the TOS Homeschool Crew I had the opportunity to try out several different products from Math Galaxy. This company provides both software (Mac friendly as well as for PC) and computer generated worksheets on a variety of topics from basic addition/subtraction to algebra. We chose to review both the software and worksheet generator on whole numbers and word problems.
The worksheets include problems that your child needs to solve in order to find out the answer to riddles (each answer ends up representing a certain letter in the answer). My son did enjoy this activity to a certain extent because he has just been introduced to the world of jokes and riddles. He didn't mind solving the problems in order to answer the questions but wasn't terribly enthusiastic about this activity, either. This product sells for 29.95$US and can generate 500 worksheets that can be printed and completed by your student. This may be a good option if you have a child that is very much into riddles and jokes and who would be motivated to complete the worksheets to learn the "punch line."
The other program that we reviewed was the Word Problems fun software which also sells for 29.95$US. In this game for 1-4 players, the students solve math problems, complete mazes (in order to "own" that maze, much like monopoly) and race around a virtual game board trying own as many caves as possible in order to collect money from the other players in the game. This game would be especially fun as a multi-player game but can be played alone as well. Students gain robots to complete mazes as they answer the questions correctly. While the math questions were appropriate for my child's comprehension level then mazes were very difficult (even my husband found them hard and he is an avid gamer). Therefore, my son was not motivated to answer the questions in order to play do the mazes. If you have a child that has really good hand-eye coordination then this game might be more appropriate but it just did not work well in my family.
At the 29.95$US price tag, I would not be willing to buy either the worksheet generator or the software CD-Roms. They may be more appropriate in a larger family where they would get used by various students at different levels but that is my the case in my family and my son is just as motivated to complete complete worksheets that I can find for free online to practice his math facts. Math Galaxy offers many free samples on their website so I encourage you to check them out and try some of their programs to see what your child things of them. You can also read more reviews of these programs (along with other math galaxy products) on the TOS Homeschool Crew Blog.
***Any products reviewed by me as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew have been given to me free of charge in order for me to provide you with an honest review of the product and/or how we used the product within our family. I do not receive any other form of compensation for the reviews posted on this blog.
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