Friday, August 13, 2010
I'm Sorry, Blogger
I didn't like being split in half.
I've moved back home.
I'm really sorry, Blogger...(and sorry Dad, click the above link and then add that site to your favorites (like I showed you how to do)).
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Houston, We Have Vegetables
Monday, July 26, 2010
Dealing with too Much Stuff
When I first had children, my goal was to raise them in the most natural way possible. I wanted them to have nice quality toys (handmade, wood toys, etc). I didn't want to get into the whole world of plastic JUNK but over the years we have. We've been to numerous yard sales where the people hand over a box of junk and say "here, take it all for free." Then when were away at the cottage we (yes, WE) purchased Morgaine a large 5 dollar bag of "stuff" as she didn't have much to do and I was huge and very much pregnant. Well, she didn't want to get rid of anything and now I'm overcome with Barbies (gasp), building toys and just stuff in general. They have so much stuff that they don't care about the things they own. They are SPOILED!
For about the last month I've been taking the toys they leave out and putting them in a laundry basket in my room. The plan was that eventually they'd get down to a decent amount of toys that they'd be able to take care of and understand that more isn't always better at which point we could go through the stuff and decide to donate some of it to others with less than we have.
After about a week I'd collected a fair amount
The sad thing is that after a month, I've collected over a laundry basket full of stuff and have started to donate things without their knowledge. They still have more than they know what to do with. I could likely toss the whole basketful without a word from them. I am totally appalled that it has come to this. We don't have any of the nice quality toys that I dreamed of. We've succumb to brand names and cheap toys and as a result the children don't care and actually just want MORE! I'll continue to purge over the months (I have a friend doing a 500 pound purge this year and I'm kicking myself for not joining as I'm sure that we could have reached that goal) and let you know how it goes.
Have any of you managed to go from way too much back to basics? Let me hear your stories!
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Stitching, Sketching and Scrapping Sunday-On Hiatus
Friday, July 23, 2010
Friday's Fave Five-July 23rd
2. Deciding to spend the afternoon together as a family. My facial/head pain has been pretty bad since I am no longer pregnant and I've been a little short with the family so I was glad to have enough relief to be able to go out with the family and enjoy.
4. Finding a beach, making the berry picking excursion worth it for the children.
5. Feet in water....
....and on sand.
Nothing is more grounding to me than the ocean and I've been reflecting on the fact that since moving back east I don't take the time to just be. I usually only cast the waves a passing glance as I hurry past and it was nice to take the time today to just slow down and enjoy.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Travel Kits-A Review

Company: The Old Schoolhouse
Price: 12.95$US
We spend time in our car. We spend A LOT of time in the car. As spontaneous people, we often decide out of the blue to pack a bag, hop in the car and GO. Instead of taking one family vacation a year we easily take five or six overnight, unplanned weekend trips with our 3 children. We have had to come up with ways to keep the children occupied on these trips because, well, half of the trip is usually spent getting wherever we are going, so the getting there has to be fun as well! Several years ago I started keeping a packed variety bag of books, treats, and small toys in my closet so that when we wanted to hop in the car we'd have something prepared for the kids that would keep them busy. Well, apparently, I'm not the only one who does this and Donna Rus has written an e-book Travel Kits: A Simple Way to Bless Others to help others learn how to make traveling kits as well.
This e-book from The Old Schoolhouse explains what a travel kit is, who can use it (just about anyone), and makes lots of suggestions for what kinds of things make good travel ideas. In addition, she talks about way to organize the gifts, which she usually wraps, if you are making a travel kit for more than one child. The book is jam packed with pictures of different, creative travel kits the author has made.

While I did like some of her suggestions, I would not be willing to pay 12.95$US for this product. I went to our local dollar store, as suggested in the book, to purchase some items to make a travel kit of our own and I honestly could not imagine buying them more stuff. Many of the items suggested for the travel kits are things that I would not be willing to buy my children so they were not particularly useful. Many of the things that I use in my travel kits are old toys that my children have not seen in a while or books we haven't read and they are happy with those. I don't feel the need to contribute to consumerism by buying them more things that they don't need. If I had the money to buy quality items that would be useful after the trip I might have been more willing to buy new things, but with our numerous mini vacations a year, that is not the case. Another thing that I found was that most of her example travel kits were HUGE. With three big car seats in the back of our small car there would never be room for such large travel kits (though, they do give a lot of suggestions for smaller items as well. While I definitely think that this book could be useful for people that have never packed travel bags for their children, I think that a lot of the information is common sense. As I have been packing fun bags for my children for years, I did not find a lot of the information new to me and therefor would not be interested in purchasing the book myself at 12.95$US.
To find out more about Travel Kits: A Simple Way to Bless Others please check out The Old Schoolhouse Store here. To find out what other people thought of this product please visit The Homeschool Crew website.
**Any products reviewed by me as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew have been given to me free of charge in order for me to provide you with an honest review of the product and/or how we used the product within our family. I do not receive any other form of compensation for the reviews posted on this blog.
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Old School House Monthly Modules

Company: The Old Schoolhouse
Price: 7.95$US
Last year I was given the opportunity to review the 2009-2010 The Old Schoolhouse Planner (you can read the review here). I was quite impressed with the product and mentioned that in addition to the planner The Old Schoolhouse also sold monthly modules to accompany the planner but that I hadn't seen them myself. I am pleased to say that this year the first product up for review as part of the TOS Homeschool Crew was the June 2010 Monthly Module-Travel the World.
My son has been very interested in learning world geography but, I haven't taken a lot of time beyond answering his questions to explore the topic. Despite repeatedly talking to him about the different continents, the information just wasn't sinking in for him. I'd get asked the same questions on a daily basis, most often when out and about in the car where we do not have a world map handy (maybe we should as I spend a fair amount of time sitting in the car nursing our youngest one). Upon arriving home, we'd move on to something else and I'd never pull out the map to clarify my answers. Thankfully, this review has allowed me to sit down with my son and study the topic further.
The TOS monthly modules allow you to sit down and learn with your children without having to do the research and find the material yourself. The June Module entitled Travel the World includes 56 pages of material introducing your child to world geography from a Christian perspective. Included are lapbook pages, colouring sheets, copy work and games (crosswords, word searches, etc). As your child reads about the continents and other geographical terms, they can click on various links in the PDF to allow them to visit websites that expand on the information and allow your child to test their knowledge through quizzes and other interactive games.
With a variety of materials for multiple age ranges this unit study not only provides an introduction to young children but can be easily used as a review with your older children who should find the e-book easy enough to use on their own. For 7.95$us, this book provides a wealth of information that I would happily pay for. With a very young child at home I am finding that I have less time to actually look for information and create unit studies myself so this book was very welcomed. The Old Schoolhouse publishes a new e-book planner module each month and I will be checking back to see what new topics are being covered. Some previous topics, still available for purchase, include the presidents of the United States, the universe, staying safe, world wonders and many more. These modules are jam packed and cover a variety of age ranges and I would happily purchase them again especially considering the number of links included to well presented informative websites, which I currently don't have the time to hunt down myself. Well worth the cost!
For more information on this product and to purchase it click here. For more reviews of this product be sure to check out the TOS Homeschool Crew website here.
**Any products reviewed by me as a member of the TOS Homeschool Crew have been given to me free of charge in order for me to provide you with an honest review of the product and/or how we used the product within our family. I do not receive any other form of compensation for the reviews posted on this blog.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Stitching, Sketching and Scrapping Sunday-July 18th
We are still in the hat business here and Mike has knit up several on the round knitting loom we purchased for the kids. He has enjoyed it a good deal and is enjoying trying out different combination of stitches to get different results.
Here are just a couple of his creations.
The red, ribbed, real wool hat:
Feltied pink hat:
Reversible baby yarn hat:
This may be the last week for Stitching, Sketching, Scrapping Sunday until the fall. I'm thinking that most people are out enjoying the summer and not working on too many projects. If you have been crafting this week be sure to let us know by signing the Mr. Linky below.
Friday, July 16, 2010
Friday's Fave Five- July 16th
2. Having things start moving on the TOS Homeschool Crew again. Things have been slow on my blog as I haven't had much motivation to post. Hopefully, with reviewing starting up (two reviews to be posted next week), I'll get back into the swing of things!
4. Guacamole: Needs no further explanation!
5. Sitting outside with my big kids! I love summertime for homeschooling. We somehow seem to get a lot more accomplished, and while sitting out under our big oak trees, at that.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Stitching, Sketching, Scrapping Sundays-July 11th
It's time to share what you've been up to this week. If you are anything like me, and have had heat and humidity like we've had, perhaps you haven't done much. Or perhaps, you took the time to camp out by your air conditioner and work on some projects.
I have difficulties knitting or crocheting in the heat (my fingers tend to feel funky as the wool runs through them and I tend to drop my needles/hook). I've had to put down those projects for the week and pick up some pencil crayons instead. I've been working on Kaplan Medical's Anatomy colouring book this week while working my way through Marieb's Human Anatomy and Physiology but that's not very crafty or artsy so I won't bother sharing. I'll instead share a picture I'm working on.
It has been YEARS since I've tried to draw so this is actually a kit from Walmart, cheating probably, but still fun. It's taking me FOREVER to get anywhere on it so it's still work. I'm hoping to eventually get back into really drawing and maybe painting but while working through my creative block this will have to do!
What have you been up to? Sign Mr. Linky and let us know!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Friday Fave Five-July 9th
This is like to be very baby focused this week!
1. Skin to skin in the shower. I hadn't tried to shower with Ruadhán until about a week ago. It is WONDERFUL! He is full of smiles and even though he isn't newborn holding him right next to me feels so nice. It has also been very welcomed the last day or two because it is HOT here!
2. Nursing in public and people's reactions. Which have surprisingly been very positive. People seem much more opposed to my using a carrier to take babe out and about and I was expecting to get negative comments about nursing.
3. Ruahdán reaction to our facial expressions. He is getting expressive now and loves to copy what we are doing. Much fun!
4.Finally choosing a colour for our house that covers well (and the fact that Home Depot let us return 13 cans of red paint we purchased over a year ago). The house is going to look soooooooo good! (will post pictures when we (okay Mike) has the painting finished...I assume it will take a week or two)
5. Enjoying the summer in the sprinkler! I don't love the heat but a run through the sprinkler is always fun!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
What is WRONG with my Garden Wednesday
and then spread from there.....
to my bean bush, and like I said, seems to have jumped the container to the first couple leaves of spinach nearby.
I'm not a gardener so I'm looking for answers from those of you that know more than I do. The problem started in the container that has sweet corn and I know that they are known for having diseases so I am wondering if that might be the problem. Also, in case it'll help diagnose the problem, it's been pretty wet here.
I'd love some advice. I'm going to go out there and take off all the affected leaves and hope that helps.
Help me....
Sunday, July 4, 2010
No Meme This Week
Enjoy your weekend, Everyone!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Stitching, Sketching, Scrapping Sunday
I hope that you had a wonderful week and had some time to get some craft work done. Did you finish something up or start something new? Maybe you and your children worked on something together this week (as this this my homeschooling/parenting blog) those projets might be interesting, too.
This week, as I thought it would be, was still all about hats. I actually didn't get as many done as I had hoped I would because I had a very much in arms baby this week. My needle for knitting in the round also broke and I could not find one as small as the store. I'm not looking forward to knitting the whole hat on double point needles. I always only use them just as much as necessary.
Here's a couple pictures of this weeks creations (not finished as my tapestry needles is jammed into a drawer I cannot currently get open).
Newborn beanie. I hope to find a rainbow ribbon to thread through and tie.
Top of beanie.
Ruadhán in a bit bigger of a hat and loving it!
I also made a bear hat but didn't take a picture as the ears are not attached yet. It looks really tiny so I think it would only work for a preemie baby. Then again my chidren were all born with massive heads so maybe I am not a good judge, so I am asking you, what circumference would you make hats for the newest newborns (say that you want to fit for the first couple weeks)? Let me know in the comments section and please link up with your projects from the week!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Friday Faves-June 25th
1. Having my beautiful son cook me breakfast almost all my himself. Liam's Delisio Restaurant has been keeping me busy helping him choose recipes and overseeing the kitchen but I wouldn't change it for the world. He is happiest when he is in the kitchen and that makes me happy, too!
2. Having my daughter feel ill on Wednesday morning. Yes, this is a strange fave to have, but it really gave us all time to relax and spend time together. I think that we'll need to schedule a pyjama day at least once a month.
3. Having above said illness be short lived and hopefully only hitting the wee girl. Knock on wood. I do NOT handle the "ickies" well (though, I think I am getting much better) and really hope that this is the end of this round of illness.
4. Getting to know the neighbours more and more. I'm quite painfully shy and in my year and a half here I've hardly met any. I resolved myself to get out there in the world and I think it has given me more of an approachable aura because withuot effore I've met the lady from across the street AND another Mama to two children that lives just down the road.
5. Having our first salad of greens from our garden for supper tonight. YUMMY!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
What's Going on in my Garden Wednesday
Strawberries are indeed trying to take over the beats and new year we will definitely give them their own container! My Cauliflower looks really good but we had no success with it last year so I'm up for any advice on how to keep the heads from going to flowers so easily. There's a row of tomatoes along the top as well and they are the smallest I have but I have hope!
These are my peppers and Tiny Tim tomato plants. The pepper plants have buds not and the Tiny Tim's are starting to flower so there will little fruits there soon enough!
My Scotia tomatoes and some Romaine lettuce doing will. There is a lone pepper plant looking a little sad and I think cucumbers and carrots as well. My yummy and successful spinach! We've been eating up the baby leaves and have some maturing quite nicely as well. There's also three pepper plant being taken over by carrot tops and some leeks that I am no so sure about. I'm hoping to actually get some heads of iceburg lettice this year but didn't have success with them last year.
My herbs are doing well but I won't post pictures as they won't change much from week to week with us using them.
I hope you all have beautiful gardens as well!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Introducing my TOS Homeschool Crew Mini-Crew
I give you, The Virtuous Vessels: Carrying you Towards Quality Homeschooling Products!

First up we have Holli-Marie at Taylor's Mark Orthodox Academy. I've enjoyed visiting her blog and reading about the different activities her 4 lovely children are involved in. She certainly keeps herself busy!
Next is Lisa over at Homeschool Circus (don't you love that name?). She is also the Mama of 4 children. I've enjoyed her blog and am hoping to implement the chore chart and allowance guidelines she uses in her house with my own children. Thank you!
Then we have Sweetie over at Life in the Tribe. This Mama of 7 seems to always have time to write on her blog! I'm enjoying her writing style and her photos.
Finally, we have Tea and Tomes (two of my favorite things!). This Mama of of 4 shares the ABCs of parenting in her About Teas and Tomes section of her blog and I have to agree with her, the ABCs are never boring! Go check them out for yourself!
I look forward to getting to know these wonderful women more and more over the year and I hope that you will visit their blogs from time to time to read up on the products that we will have the priveledge of reviewing for you this year.
Bonne Voyage, my friends, we are ready to set sail!
Finding Uses for Unused Things-Wax Crayons
If you have young kids at home then you most likely have broken up crayons. Not only are they broken up but they are never used. They are just sitting on the shelf taking up space. In an effort to organize and simplify my life, I decided that the crayons MUST go. Not wanting to just toss them I did the whole, not so creative idea, of melting them in a mini muffin tin. Morgaine stayed occupied for the better part of an hour peeling the crayons and loved the final results.
She loved them so much that she's using them for the first time in over a year, and actually putting them away when she is done with them. No more stepping on stray crayons trying to make a get away!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Stitching, Sketching, Scrapping Sunday - June 20
Secondly, thank you all so much for making the second week of my meme successful. 5 links sure beats the single, solitary post from me the first week! I've enjoyed all your posts! Some creative girls out there!
This week has been all about HATS! I made hats for my Ruadhán when he was tucked nice and cozy on the inside but he, of course, decided to be born with the most massive head (90%) so all the hats fit for about a week before helping to grow Moragaine's doll hat collection!
Her dolls appreciate all my effort I'm sure!
However, I had a friend request some hats for her new photography business and I couldn't resist. Well, actually, I offered my help. I've only gotten one knit up so far. She only sent the patterns to me yesterday and there are a few I'm itching to try, but first I had to knit up a blueberry.
Of course, we have to model it for you. I know that you all like a good baby picture from time to time.
Too bad I'm supposed to be making newborn hats! I'm anxious for the children to head to be tonight because I hope to get a smaller, bluer blue berry knit up this evening. I hope to have several more hats to share next week.
What crafty things have you been up to lately? Let us know by checking in below!
Friday, June 18, 2010
Friday Faves- June 18th
My favorites include:
1. Lots of smiles from my little guy. This is the first week that Ruadhán has been really expressive and smiling in reaction to the world around him. Sure, he'd had the occasional smile before but when you'd try to make him smile again he'd totally refuse!
2. Taking the family out for lunch to celebrate Liam's promotion to Grade 2 (and Grade 3 in math, he won't let us forget). We'll continue to school through the summer but it was a nice day and I wanted to mark the end of one year and the start of another so we found a restaurant where we could eat outside and enjoyed the afternoon.
3. The moment when the older two finally fall asleep and the house is quiet. Their behaviour has been trying and I have to say it has been nice to be able to relax in the evening.
4. Getting to know my mini-crew for the TOS Homeschool Crew 2010-2011 voyage. There's some good things coming and I look for to sharing with you all again this year.
5. Tim Horton's English Toffee Cappuccino. I would not have gotten through the week without it.

I'm off to make myself a nice Cap' now....have a great weekend, all!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Square Foot Garden Update
I'm amazed at how much stuff one can cram into a square foot! I had no idea how much we'd be able to cram in those little beds. We probably would have been just fine with four beds but we did fill up all six. I think we were a little ambitious but square foot gardens are supposed to be pretty easy to care for so hopefully we'll be okay!
We've planted:
- 3 varieties of lettuce (Romaine, iceburg, and red leaf)
- lots of spinach (though it isn't looking too was HOT the day I planted it)
- carrots
- tomatoes (Tiny Tim and Scotia varieties)
- zucchini
- cucumbers
- Herbs (sweet basil, spicy globe basil, rosemary, chives, marjoram, sage, feverfew, Italian parsley, frilly parsley, savory, bee balm, etc)
- Swiss chard
- sweet corn
- bean bush
- sweet peppers
- onions
- leeks
- strawberries
- broccoli
- cabbage
All in all, we spent a little under 100 dollars for the plants (and were given a few leftovers from a friend and if we get a good turn out we'll easily make that back (plus we won't have to worry about our food being covered in pesticides). Some of the herbs and the strawberries should grow back again next year so we'll be able to enjoy then for years to come!
I'm a little terrified that certain plants (cucumbers, zukes, and strawberries) as going to take over the garden and I likely should have given them a box of their own. I honestly didn't have a clue what I was doing so I'll be happy with whatever we get. It will be a good learning experience.
If there are any others out there that have planted a square foot garden this year I would love to see them (share your link in the comments section) and hear how they progress over the summer.
I will keep you updated on ours as well!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Stitcking, Sketching, Scraping Sunday-June 13th
As my children tend to be quite attached, carriers are a must. When Morgaine was a baby my favorite carrier was a Mei Tai but it was only borrowed from a friend. I found that I could very easily do everything I needed to do with a that type of carrier. This time around, the only carrier I had was a ring sling and I didn't find that it allowed me as much motion as my Mei Tai. I spent a couple weeks procrastinating because I wasn't sure it I had the skills required to sew one. As crocheting has been my thing the last little while I figured I would give crocheting a Mei Tai a go instead.
Ruadhán seems to enjoy the carrier and I know that I can get a lot more done when he is in there so I would have to say that this has been a success!
What have you been working on? Any success (or even failures) to report? Below is your Mr. Linky (remember you must click the image to post your link and view other people's links as well).
Share away!