Friday, June 5, 2009

Monkey pudding....err, bread.

I've talked about monkey bread on my blog (and facebook) a few times and have gotten curious questions about it each time. Basically monkey bread is as pull apart cinnamon bread dessert that is just divine. Rich, cinnamony, ooey- gooey goodness- what more could you want?

I had the most AMAZING monkey bread recipe but can no longer find it on the internet. As I promised the recipe, I decided to wing in on Wednesday and make up my own monkey bread recipe.

So here goes

1 cup whole wheat flour (just beacuse I am the Mommy and I can throw some health goodness into the most unhealthy treats)
2 cups white flour
1/4 cup of butter
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1 teaspoon baking powder
Wee tad of brown sugar


Mix these ingredients together with water (I added about a cup and a half) until you get a sticky wet dough (you want it to be significantly wetter than your standard bread dough).

Then melt 1/2 cup of butter

and make a cinnamon and sugar mixture to roll your bread balls in.

Make a small bread ball and send it swimming in the butter mixture (it is incredibly hard to take pictures of this recipe as it is so messy).


Fish out your bread balls and roll them into your sugar mixture and place into a baking pan (traditionally, one would use a bundt pan but I don't have one of those).


Continue until you have used all your dough and then throw the remaining butter and sugar over the bread.

Bake in a 350 degree oven for about 30-40 minutes.

Unfortunately, though, if you follow this recipe you will NOT end up with monkey bread! We pulled them out of the oven, anxious to get our fingers on them but were surprised to find that instead of monkey bread, we had something quite different. The kids declared it, not monkey bread, but monkey pudding and I totally agree.


It definitely had the consistancy of pudding chomeur (poor man's pudding) or Grand-pere au Sirop d'Erable (a real Quebec treat...maple syrup grandfathers *lol*) but with a definite cinnamon twist. Quite yummy, just the same.

If you want true monkey bread, though, I will have to direct you to my beloved Michael Smith of Chef at Home. Not the recipe I normally use but he is the man that started my love affair with Monkey Bread.


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